
You are correct; I am using GNU make, err, rather, trying to, at least.
Found a typo that fixed part of the problem: $(addprefix, PREFIX, ITEM)
should be $(addprefix PREFIX, ITEM). Note that there is no comma after

This particular Makefile seems to be horribly broken. So I think I might
as well start over. Further reading shows that the 'vpath' directive
should be used in this case, or '.PATH' for BSD make. 

Thanks for the suggestion at least...


On Mon, 2006-05-22 at 18:45 -0400, Parv wrote:
> in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
> wrote Andrew thusly...
> >
> > I'm trying to use $(addprefix) build lists of source files and
> > object files containing the relative paths for each. The problem
> > is that $(addprefix) never seems to be evaluated. When I run 'make
> > -p', $OBJECT_LIST looks exactly like in does in my Makefile, which
> > is listed below.
> ...
> > #### Begin Makefile ####
> > 
> > ## compiler settings
> > CC = gcc
> > OPTIONS = -Wall -g
> > 
> > ## directory layout
> > BASEDIR = ../alice
> > SOURCEDIR = $(BASEDIR)/sources
> > OBJECTDIR = $(BASEDIR)/objects
> > DOCSDIR = $(BASEDIR)/documentation
> ...
> > SOURCES_LIST = $(addprefix, $(SOURCEDIR), $(SOURCE))
> > OBJECTS_LIST = $(addprefix, $(OBJECTDIR), $(OBJECTS))
> > 
> > ## targets
> > alice: $(OBJECT_LIST)
> >         $(CC) $(OPTIONS) -o $@ $(OBJECT_LIST)
> ...
> Looks like you are using gnu make syntax.
> Read make(1) man page.  Replace $(VAR) with ${VAR} & see what
> happens (i am unsure as i am a light user of BSD make).
>   - Parv

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