Kris Kennaway wrote:
On Wed, May 31, 2006 at 05:05:28PM -0400, Joe wrote:
Kris Kennaway wrote:
Anyway, retry the binary upgrade as you say.
The binary upgrade started from the 6.0-RELEASE CD-ROM didn't work

Wait, you were trying to update to 6.1-RELEASE using the 6.0-RELEASE
CD-ROM? :)

Yes, I mentioned that a couple of times before. However, in the options screen, I requested the *6.1-RELEASE* to be fetched, and it did do that--except for the kernel, or actually it seems it fetched that too but it was unable to move it into place.

I'm fairly knew at FreeBSD (but definitely not at software) and I don't see why I shouldn't be able to upgrade an OS starting from the earlier release, i.e., without having to bootstrap from the new release, particularly when upgrading within the same major release, from one minor to the next.

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