I installed first, from the ports, unixodbc, then the latest oracle 
easysoft driver on my FBSD 6.1 box, following the included 
instructions. When using unixodbc with postgresql, plain sailing, it 
works like a charm!
But when I try to connect via odbc to oracle (here 
an instance of the statistical software R) I get:

state 01000, code 0, message [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib 
'/usr/compat/linux/usr/local/easysoft/oracle/libesoracle.so' : Shared 
object "libm.so.6" not found, required by "libesoracle.so"

/compat/linux/usr/bin/ldd -v libesoracle.so
/compat/linux/usr/bin/ldd: /lib/ld-linux.so.2: not found
ldd: /lib/ld-
linux.so.2 $exited with unknown exit code (127)

I understand that 
there's something to be set as far as libraries to be used & linked are 

Is there anyone out there able to point me at documents 
where the exact setting up of the easysoft oracle driver ** ON FBSD ** 
is explained OR able to explain how to set it up on the same OS?

Thanks a lot - Vittorio
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