
i have a reccurent problem

while compiling the software originally written for Linux it is often compiled agains pthread library, but in freebsd such a library is called libc_r (i'm using 4.11 RELEASE)

so i often adjust configure options with LIBS=-lc_r option

but here comes the problem
when calling libtool such as following

/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CC --mode=link gcc -g -02 [snip] -lc_r option is present

but when immideatly after the effective command is called like gcc -g -02 the -lc_r option is systematically absent!!!!!

i've tried to mannually adjust makefile by placing -lc_r option even in CC flag
CC= gcc -lc_r

but it didn't solve my problem

please can you help me. how should i proceed to compile against libc_r ???? cause LIBS=-lc_r doesn't seems to work.

it's really boring to execute gcc lines by hand :( HEEELP!!! i'm tired

Best Regards
katsuo_harada_evil_does [at] hotmail [dot] com
Marseille Nice

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