I recently upgraded my jumpstart server from 5.5 to 6.1 and have had
some issues getting the new jumpstart process working.  

Specifically, while using my old install.cfg, my new machines were not
being built with a kernel.

I figured out that the sysinstall manpage is out of date and as of 6.x
there is a new distribution that needs to be installed, named kernels.

However, even after adding that:

# Select which distributions we want.
dists=base kernels manpages catpages proflibs dict

the kernel was still not installed.  It dosen't even look like sysinstall
attempted to process it, either.  I'm going through the sysinstall 
source to see if it's aware of kernels, but having no luck yet.

Has anybody successfully used a 6.x machine to build a jumpstart
server?  Is there a better source for automating sysinstall info than the

(I originally used the freebsd.org handbook site on pxeboot, but it
was horribly out of date (4.x) and later had more luck with 
http://www.daemonsecurity.com/pub/pxeboot/article.html, which is
how I got my 5.5 machine working.  I see it has been updated for
6.x but uses a non-custom dist install set, which isn't exactly
what I want)

 - Lamont
"I am not an atomic playboy."
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