On Saturday 17 June 2006 07:04, Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 16, 2006 at 05:08:30PM -0400, Scott Tuc Ellentuch at T-B-O-H 
> > > 6) portupgrade -Ri of anything that was xorg*, nvidia*
> >
> > If you didn't use -f for nvidia-driver then it may not have rebuilt.
>       Well, my nvidia-driver was out of date as is. So I didn't
> need to do an "-f". Same with alot of my xorg*. I probably should
> have been smarter (TOO LATE!!) to upgrade my nvidia first, run for
> a while.... THEN go to 5.5 .
>       So it did get rebuilt. And when I portdowngraded and then
> portupgraded -f'd it, (I did mention that, right?) it would have
> re-installed it anyway.

Are you running an opengl screensaver? If so, I'd suspect it's opengl that's 
causing the problem.
I do the following in such cases:
portupgrade -f nvidia-driver\* xorgclients\* 
portupgrade -fr libglut\*

A portupgrade -f xorg\* wouldn't go astray either!

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