found it; uname -a, I fixed that line, now I just need to figure out
how to get the appropriate libs (glibc) into my compat dir... it isn't
in any of the linux compat ports.

-Jim Stapleton

On 6/19/06, Alex Zbyslaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jim Stapleton wrote:

> OK, that was easier than expected. These blobs appeared around
> everything "linux", but don't look horribly useful. I'll check later
> to see if I can find anything else. is there anything I should be
> looking for aside from linux?

What you want to find is the error message you got about "Only runs on
Linux".  I was assuming this is just a single binary, but if there is
lots of stuff including sh scripts and stuff then a grep for some part
of the string in all the files might point you in the right direction.
I think Linux was all caps so a case-sensitive grep (i.e. not -i) for
Linux should do the trick.  If in doubt try to find the earliest word in
the error string since ktrace will chop off long strings.  (Sorry, lost
your original post already and can't exactly remember the string).

> I really want to proove to these people that the port will not be a
> $60k effor, more like a $20 effort.

Better not tell you my hourly rate then ;-)


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