On 2006-06-19 06:04, Danial Thom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>--- Giorgos Keramidas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On 2006-06-19 12:33, Erik Trulsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> The 5.3 release was clearly marked as a  "developer preview"
>>>> release
>>> No, it was not.  5.3 was a perfectly ordinary release. It was in
>>> fact the first 5.x release that was *not* marked as a "developer
>>> preview".
>> You're right.  I must have been thinking of 5.2.1.
>> Sorry for the misinformation :-/
> I'd say that a $55. celeron on Freebsd 4.11 would be just as fast as a
> Sempron an 5.3, so why not save some money and get something that
> everyone knows is "production ready"?

I'm not so sure.  It would take quite a few tests and some _real_
numbers to convince me that such a claim was true :-)

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