
No I didn't disable the getty on the port.  To be honest, I didn't know one
was running.

Second, the errors I'm receiving are:

sio1: 2 more silo overflows (total 9)
sio1: 280221 more tty-level buffer overflows (total 576898)

One question I have is, why would kermit able to receive/send data across
the port?  I don't know if said this in my first message, but I started
kermit on both the FreeBSD and Linux machines and was able to send/receive
data in either direction.  I didn't disable getty before doing that.

Second question is, does my code look ok?  Am I initializing everythin


On 6/22/06, Derek Ragona <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Did you kill the getty running on the port?

Are you getting any errors?


At 10:28 AM 6/22/2006, Andrew Falanga wrote:


I've got a case where I'm writing a simply serial program to send bytes
one system to another over a serial cable.  The program works in Linux,
when I use it in FreeBSD nothing happens.  The program starts and, in the
case of receiving, waits for data to appear on the /dev/cuad1 port and
out in select.  If I'm sending in FreeBSD, the send program believes it
written all the data but nothing is received in Linux (either with running
my code on Linux or using kermit).  On FreeBSD, however, if I use kermit
monitor the /dev/cuad1 port and send, using my code, from Linux, all 2500
packets are transmitted ok.  Also, when sending from Linux and receiving
FreeBSD, the FreeBSD machine show silo and tty-level interrupt errors.
man page for sio describes that as problems in the interrupt handler, for
silo overflows, and that data arrived faster than the application could
process (for the tty-level overflows).

What am I doing wrong?  What is it that Kermit does to allow data being
from the /dev/cuad1 device that I'm not?  I've been looking over the
sources but to be honest, before Thursday of last week, I'd never
for serial ports before let alone having any knowledge of termios.
Therefore, I'm looking at a very steep learning curve.  Please look over
ctor for the serial line class that is in my code.  After much debugging,
I'm convinced that my problem is in how I'm configuring my port.

sline::sline( std::string d, int opm ) : dev( d ), opMode( opm )
  memset( &oldSettings, 0, sizeof( oldSettings ) );
  memset( &ioPort, 0, sizeof( ioPort ) );
  memset( recvBuf, 0, PACKETSIZE );
  memset( &timeout, 0, sizeof( timeout ) );

  FD_ZERO( &incoming );

  timeout.tv_sec = TIMEOUT_SEC;
  timeout.tv_usec = TIMEOUT_USEC;

  // create the packet
  char asciiPrtChars = 32; // first printable ascii character in decimal
  for( int i = 0; i < PACKETSIZE; i++ ) {
     packet[i] = asciiPrtChars++;
     if( asciiPrtChars == 127 ) // 127 is the delete character
        asciiPrtChars = 32;

  // on the systems this code was meant to compile, LINUX and FreeBSD
  // O_NDELAY and O_NONBLOCK are the same, however, this is not always
  // true
  fd = open( dev.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY );
  if( fd < 0 )
     throw init();

  tcgetattr( fd, &oldSettings );
  tcgetattr( fd, &ioPort );

#ifdef DEBUG
  COUT << "Current input speed is " << cfgetispeed( &ioPort ) << ENDL;
  COUT << "Current output speed is " << cfgetospeed( &ioPort ) << ENDL;

#if 0
  if( opMode == OPMODE_WRITE ) {
     if( fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, 0 ) < 0 ) {
        perror( "fcntl" );
        throw init();
  } else {
     if( fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, FNDELAY ) < 0 ) {
        perror( "fcntl" );
        throw init();
     FD_SET( fd, &incoming );

#if 0
  // configure control field, this should configure for 8N1
  // first, disable flow control (may have to put it back in)
  // ioPort.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
  ioPort.c_cflag |= CRTSCTS | CLOCAL | CREAD;
  ioPort.c_cflag &= ~PARENB;
  ioPort.c_cflag &= ~CSTOPB;
  ioPort.c_cflag &= ~CSIZE;
  ioPort.c_cflag |= CS8;

  // configure local field, setting to RAW mode
  ioPort.c_lflag |= ~( ICANON | ECHO | ECHOE | ISIG );

  // configure the input field, setting to ignore parity errors
  // and disable software flow control
  ioPort.c_iflag |= IGNPAR;
  ioPort.c_iflag &= ~( IXON | IXOFF | IXANY );

  // configure output field, setting to RAW
  ioPort.c_iflag &= ~OPOST;
#endif /* end of if 0 */

  // configure for raw data transfer
  cfmakeraw( &ioPort );

  // set VMIN and VTIME parameters in c_cc array
  ioPort.c_cc[VMIN] = PACKETSIZE;
  ioPort.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;

  if( cfsetispeed( &ioPort, BAUDRATE ) < 0 ) {
     perror( "cfsetispeed" );
     throw init();

  if( cfsetospeed( &ioPort, BAUDRATE ) < 0 ) {
     perror( "cfsetospeed" );
     throw init();

  COUT << "flushing dev: " << dev << ENDL;
  if( tcflush( fd, TCIOFLUSH ) < 0 ) {
     perror( "tcflush" );
     throw init();

  COUT << "Setting new parameters to: " << dev << ENDL;
  if( tcsetattr( fd, TCSANOW, &ioPort ) < 0 ) {
     perror( "tcsetattr" );
     throw init();

#if 0
  if( ioctl( fd, TIOCMGET, &portStatus ) < 0 ) {
     perror( "ioctl - get" );
     throw init();

  // I believe we want to clearn the DCD bit
  portStatus &= ~TIOCM_DTR;

  if( ioctl( fd, TIOCMSET, &portStatus ) < 0 ) {
     perror( "ioctl - set" );
     throw init();
#endif /* removed for debugging, still not sure I need it */

  if( fcntl( fd, F_SETFL, FNDELAY | O_NONBLOCK ) < 0 ) {
     perror( "fcntl" );
     throw init();

#ifdef DEBUG
  COUT << "New input speed is " << cfgetispeed( &ioPort ) << ENDL;
  COUT << "New output speed is " << cfgetospeed( &ioPort ) << ENDL;
} // end of sline ctor

Thanks for you help,
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