I don't know how "updated" this one is but i found a .pdf version here:



On 20 Jul 2006, at 15:59, Don Munyak wrote:

re: Creating_a_Stable_Secure_FreeBSD_Mailserver.pdf

The title of this thread references a document created several years ago. The author wrote the article and posted in a forum at www.screamingelectron.org/ http://www.screamingelectron.org/forum/showthread.php? t=725&page=1&pp=10

He also posted an alternate location for pdf download.
http://bsdhound.com/downloads/ Creating_a_Stable_Secure_FreeBSD_Mailserver.pdf.

Well...that link is broken. Googling turned up some hopeful leads, but
alas...also broken.
http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/2004-June/ 050783.html ~LINK~ http://gene.wins.uva.nl/~jmsteggi/ Creating_a_Stable_Secure_FreeBSD_Mailserver.pdf

~LINK~ http://bsdhound.com/downloads/ Creating_a_Stable_Secure_FreeBSD_Mailserver.pdf

Also did a google on this cat's username  soup4you2. There are several
forums likewise with broken links as well as a yahoo account, but no
reply yet.

Does anyone have access to this "updated" pdf file. I'd really like to
get my hands on it.

btw...for anyone else looking for a "like" or "similiar" solution, check out
http://www.tnpi.biz/internet/mail/toaster.shtml [mail::toaster]


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