To Whom It May Concern:

Greeting from Australia

I commend your efforts and your success. Following are some gripes with
FreeBSD and ideas to fix them.

I have been using FreeBSD for a few years. I have also played with lots of
Linux distributions but still FreeBSD is my first choice as a computer
system admin and backend web developer.

But you know what pisses me off about FreeBSD? It is the little things.

Every Linux Distributor in the world is hard at work reinventing the
interface and making the Linux as user friendly as possible but we're still
dogged by turn of the century hassle with our FreeBSD.

Here is what I would fix:

1.    Reinvent the installer and interface.

Fundamental thing like system installer is still phenomenally arcane. There
is no excuse for FreeBSD developers not to upgrade the system installer and
why not using disk imaging technology like Norton ghost or Acronis
TrueImageinstead of the traditional installation.

2.    Integrate a PHP shell into the core of the system.

PHP is by far the most popular computing language in the world. Why not
have a shell called PHP shell. So lots of web developers out there can
easily create shell scripts in PHP syntax to automate and run programs on

Who wants to learn bash or sh scripting? They are by far the least popular
and ugly programming language in the world.

It is astounding that FreeBSD developers have not clued in to the fact that
millions of backend webmasters could easily migrate and adopt FreeBSD as
their O.S of their choice because of PHP.

3.    Content Management Website

Your current website looks very ordinary and doesn't make any impression for
anyone visiting your site for the first time.

There are outstanding open source CMS like Joomla, Mambo, eZ Publish, Drupel
just to name a few out there that let you build a very quick and
professional website in no times

Don't get me wrong, I love FreeBSD and I always remain loyal to it. I love
the unique port collection concept for third party application installation.


I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully
Sammy Sumer
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