On 2006-07-25 08:44, Erik Norgaard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi:
> I have had some problems, it seems that the drivers in -STABLE does
> not support my hardware fully. So I want to try out drivers on
> -CURRENT without switching the whole system up to current.
> What is the best way to do this?
> - checkout current and copy the relevant source into the stable source
>   tree?
> - checkout and compile -CURRENT kernel and then copy relevant kernel
>   modules?
> - or won't work at all? problems with linking? other?
> It appears that most modules don't have a separate make file, how do I
> compile just the module in question?

Apart from back-porting the fixes of the drivers to STABLE, I don't
think there is *any* good way to do what you describe, so it's not easy
to say what the "best" way is.  I don't think any of the options
listed above can work -- at least without some porting effort.

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