Okay, here is the challenge ... for vendors to 'take notice' of the fact that exist as a market, there really needs to be *some* numbers that ppl like -core, -advocacy and -marketing can use ... right now, there is nothing out there that can be considered either 'half the story', or just purely guess work ...

This means that when someone here talks about "don't buy from company A because they don't support us", its kind of a meaningless boycott, since, as far as they are concerned, they aren't making any money off us, therefore, aren't losing any ...

Although I'd eventually like to see something better that includes more information (ie. version of FreeBSD being run, AMD vs Intel, etc), even just getting #s on the size of the community that we are apart of would be good ....

Also, for the data to *mean* anything, it has to be semi-realtime, in that it can't just be sent in once, but a ping has to be sent in periodically to show that that server *is*, in fact, actually still running FreeBSD ...

Towards that end, as a starter, I would like to encourage everyone out there running 1 or more FreeBSD boxes to go to


register all of your hosts, and install /usr/ports/sysutils/uptimec and get it running ...

Right now, there are 249 FreeBSD hosts listed ... I can't believe that that is *all* of them out there ...

We don't care about the uptime side of things ... all we care about is finding out how many FreeBSD hosts are actually being run ... how big are we as a market ...

I'm currently trying to come up with something better, but, right now, that seems to be the best that is out there ...

Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
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