----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Born, Clinton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "FreeBSD Questions" <freebsd-questions@freebsd.org>; "Ted Mittelstaedt"
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: Are hardware vendors starting to bail on FreeBSD ... ?

> On Jul 30, 2006, at 11:11 PM, Born, Clinton wrote:
> > Please explain? Because I like people to have an objective view
> > when it
> > comes to making technology decisions. We've made bad technology work,
> > and I've seen free software cost more than the most expensive
> > Microsoft
> > license. Too many variables are involved and anyone evangelizing a
> > single system should be viewed with skepticism..  Is this what you
> > mean
> > buy out of touch?
> The comparison to Hezbollah.  There is not one item to compare
> between "tech fanatics" and Hezbollah -- only contrast.
> I personally am not an Open Source (O.S.) weenie, and some folks are
> O.S. fanatics etc (usually you find these in the Linux fan-boy club
> but they probably exist everywhere) but I have yet to see a MS
> solution that was the best solution to a given problem.

I have, plenty of times.  MS is the best solution for an application program
that won't run on any other platform than Windows.  And there are some
markets out there where there are no open-source applications for those
markets at all.

However it is a gigantic stretch for our friend here to claim that Windows
is the best tool for the job in these situations, because such a claim gives
the impression that there are competitive open source applications that
are just not as good.  When in reality, there are no open source competitive
applications at all.  In these situations, Windows isn't the best tool for
job, it's the -only- tool for the job.

It is like claiming that your car is the fastest car in the world based on a
race that only you entered.


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