Hi everyone,

I was reading this:



My question is how is a FreeBSD box with NDISulator, or a linux box with
ndiswrapper, affected by these exploits?  I'm guessing that since linux
and FreeBSD don't execute pe files, and their api's are probably similar
that I can *lump* them together in my question.  If that's not the case,
I apologize...and in turn don't really care about the linux side of my

I don't write code, so I don't know how all that works.  I have FreeBSD
on my Dell D600.  I would use ndisulator, and the windows driver because
there's no support for the 2200BG under FreeBSD.  Or is there, and I'm
missing something???

Apparently, from at least the 1st of the three exploits noted on the
intel site above, the vulnerability exists in the windows driver. A
cracker could exploit the vulnerabilities which could "potentially lead
to remote code execution and system control."

Appreciate any insight anyone has on this.


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