Frank Staals wrote:

> Subject: test
> usertest
> .
> $ /etc/mail/ line 0: cannot open: Permission denied

Yes -- it's to do with the separation of powers between sendmail-MSP
(Mail Submission Program) and sendmail-MTA (Mail Transport Agent).  Invoking
/usr/sbin/sendmail from the command line, or via one of the standard Unix
command line mail clients connects you with the MSP instance.  That runs
with your UID, but is setgid to 'smmsp'.   /etc/mail/ is the
configuration file for that sendmail instance.

Double check the file system ownership and permissions on /etc/mail and
/etc/mail/ -- they should be as follows:

    happy-idiot-talk:/etc/mail:% ls -ld /etc/mail /etc/mail/ 
    drwxr-xr-x  3 root  wheel   1024 Aug  4 12:04 /etc/mail/
    -r--r--r--  1 root  wheel  40406 Aug  4 12:04 /etc/mail/

Note: using /etc/mail/Makefile to rebuild any of sendmail's tables or 
configuration files means that all files should be installed with the
correct permissions.  There's instructions in the comments at the
beginning of the Makefile



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory Courtyard
                                                      Flat 3
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