On Mon, Aug 07, 2006 at 04:03:00PM +0100, RW wrote:
> On Saturday 05 August 2006 18:16, cpghost wrote:
> > Building packages for multiple machines on a fast CPU,
> > with portmanager's -bu option populates a /usr/ports/packages tree.
> > So far, so good.
> >
> > What I'd like though, is to be able to reuse that tree (mounted via
> > NFS or rsynced over) on other machines with much slower CPUs.
> >
> > The fast build machine and the other slow machines are not synchronized
> > w.r.t. the set of installed ports. What is needed is that portmanager
> > uses packages from /usr/ports/packages if available, and compiles from
> > source the remaining ports.
> A key design feature of portmanager is that everything is built with 
> up-to-date dependencies, having this kind of feature would, in general, 
> defeat that.

Why would that? The port trees themselves are synchronized; just the
set of installed ports ain't. The packages generated on the different
machines are absolutely identical AFAICS; including their dependencies.
There's no point in recompiling them separately if the result is the
same on all machines. That's why I'd like to reuse the newly created

> In any case according to the man page -b means "Keep backup packages of the 
> old versions." 

>From portmanager(1):

  -bu or --back-up
  Make packages of updated ports

The new/updated ports are being created with pkg_create(1) (after
compilation). It's not about old versions...


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