Windows 2000+ can boot on an extended partition as can
linux, the BSDs, I think OS/2 warp+ can as well. So
you can still only have 4 primary partitions, but you
probably only need one that has a bootloader like GRUB
on it marked active and the OSs installed all on
extended partitions. I've even supprisingly confirmed
if GRUB is installed windows won't install it's own
bootloader. At least with Win2000sp4 this was the case
the one time I tried...

I would use GRUB cause its simple, fits on a floppy
and is easy to install from that booting floppy. It
shouldn't require any special booting options other
then boot from harddrive. 

I would guess BSD doesn't care where it boots from in
terms of sectors on the HD, but making a bootloader do
this is something I wouldn't be able to answer.
Although I know Grub allows you to chainload an
arbritary number of sectors from the bootsector so I
would look into that for exotic boots as you allude


--- Girish Venkatachalam <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I was wondering if the 4 primary parition booting
> limit still exists. Is it possible to have 
> Windoze
> Linux
> FreeBSD
> OpenBSD
> NetBSD
> on the same box in such a way that we can boot into
> any of them?
> I am particularly interested in the x86 arch with
> disks. I think this is possible on other archs with
> What boot manager am I supposed to use? Does it
> require setting something on the BIOS? Does FreeBSD
> support booting from a point way off the first
> sector?
> Thanks.
> regards,
> Girish
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