>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kris Kennaway [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, August 9, 2006 03:02 PM
>On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 01:43:10PM +0000, V.I.Victor wrote:
>> Generally -- is it OK to do a 'pkg_add' from
>> 'packages-6-stable' to a 5.4 system?
>Absolutely not.
>> Specifically, I think I need to update 'fetchmail.'
>What's wrong with using packages-5-stable? :-)

Probably nothing!

I (wrongly) thought that *all* 5.x package/paths had the same version of 
'fetchmail' and when I found the new 'fetchmail' in 6.x I figured that was 
where I had to get it.

I'll try a 'pkg_add' from packages-5-stable as soon as I can stop the system 
for a while.

Thanks for the pointer!

Although I should probably have installed ports during the original install -- 
I didn't.  Now, it seems a long way to go just to see if the newest version of 
'fetchmail' fixes its problem (I'm not confident it will)

>> What I've read *seems* to indicate it's OK, but...
>Where did you read this, so we can try to correct the bogus advice?

Hard to say.  I did 6-8 Google searches with various keys trying to find some 
specifics for adding packages between FreeBSD versions.  The "*seems*...OK" I 
mentioned may have been in relation to simple programs.  I don't know.

Since I was unable to find anything solid, I asked here!

Again -- Thank-you.

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