Andreas Widerøe Andersen wrote:
On 8/10/06, *Frank Staals* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    You can recompile sendmail, you'll have to have the kernel sources
    installed though:

    # cd /usr/src/lib/libsm; make clean; make obj; make depend; make
    # cd /usr/src/lib/libsmutil; make clean; make obj; make depend; make
    # cd /usr/src/usr.sbin/sendmail; make clean; make obj; make
    depend; make; make install

    you might want to read Jonathan Horne's page about configuring
    sendmail ( among other services ) :

Nice tutorial.

I have dowloaded all sources from cvs to my system. Should I delete some old sources/working dirs/etc from when I've installed software before or from when I built world and kernel?

I guess they're under /usr/src somewhere.

Just worried about some old files with wrong config that might screw this up.

The only things comming to mind are cleaning /usr/src/obj and ( at least that is what I did ) backupping your <HOSTNAME>.* files in /etc/mail. Then I removed the <HOSTNAME>.* files and when I recompiled sendmail made new configs ( run 'make all' in /etc/mail ). You can copy particular settings from your old <HOSTNAME>.mc file. This way you have a clean start :)

Good luck,

-Frank Staals

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