ke han wrote:

On Aug 28, 2006, at 4:03 AM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

32 vs 64 bits does not give you any raw performance boost for most apps. The

yes it will. FreeBSD/amd64 works at least 10% faster than FreeBSD/i386 on athlon64 machine, when i386 version were recompiled for P4. With default FreeBSD/i386 - it will be at least 30%.

just because it's not just 64-bit addresses, but twice the registers (r8-r15) allowing C compiler to generate more efficient code.

For now AMD64 is the fastest and cheapest architecture - at least with AMD processors, not intel clones. (YES now intel makes clones of AMD processors)

I stand corrected ;-)...This is good info, thanks.

However, to the original post, you will not see 10-30 % performance difference on your email or file sharing between an Intel Celeron and AMD Opteron. These types of apps are Disk and Network IO bound. Spend your money on redundancy/fail-over of hard drive and power supply. Also choosing a well regarded NIC is important.

ke han

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Thanks a million for this info, this saved he good bunch of money, which
I can use better some were else :)

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