On 2006-09-02 14:33, "NoIP (exemail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Two mornings ago I was feeling pretty good. I had downloaded
> and burnt to disc freebsd, pcbsd and also desktopbsd. But not
> now
> Having 21 computers here I figured I would finally be rid of
> MSwindows, and have a complete LAN system that was more
> reliable.
> Seven computers I have tried with all three BSDs and not one of
> them managed to produce a working network connection. The only
> thing I achieved was that now I can almost visualise every
> screen from the installations.
> I am baffled by how anyone is able to get a bsd networked
> system working.  I guess I just have to stick with a windowsOS.

Have you already read the Handbook?

If not, then start here:


Pay special attention to section 2.9 and chapter 27:

    2.9.  Post Installation

    27.   Advanced Networking

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