On 06/09/06, White Hat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

That is a totally unqualified evaluation.

No it's not. It's in response to YOUR comment that "A very large majority of
users simply want to use their PCs for email, occasional word processing and
possible game playing". And OpenOffice fits that bill.

While it may
be totally suitable for one individual, that in no way
infers that it meets the requirements of another.
There is no way you can define an end users
requirements based solely on your own usage.

It's based on YOUR assertion, not mine.

You are kidding right. I can find vastly more
documentation available for a win32 machine than for


In fact, the lact of documentation is one of the
reasons that support groups like this evolved.

And they exist for Windows users too. And they exist for the same reasons.

It is above average, I will agree. However, if it were
really perfect then this forum would not exist.

I didn't say it was perfect. But even if it was that doesn't wollow that
this group wouldn't exist.

If that were true, MS would not rule 90+ percent of
the PCs in use today. Why do you think users in third
rate countries pirate MS when they could get FBSD for

Because Windows is pre-installed for one.

I would not want to insult anyone; however, if
you cannot install an MS operating system then perhaps
you should consider another hobby. Even my wife's
sister can handle that project, and that is a woman
who considers a can opener a high tech device.

I didn't say anything about installing - you keep going off topic - I said
using. And plenty of people do have problems using Windows. If they didn't,
there wouldn't be a need for all the call centre armies whose job is
basically helping Windows users.

You have users here with 10+ years experience who run
int problems. It is just the nature of the beast. It
comes with the territory.

That's right - it's because Windows is not as easy to use (or rather fix
when broken) as you are making out.

Obviously it required installation. Before you can
install, it is again obvious that you must secure the
item. One size definitely does not fit all. What is
your point?

I am contradicting your point. That is my point.

Norton is pathetic, that I will agree with you on that

I didn't say it was pathetic, so please don't suggest that I did. I said it
had problems. It is one of the most popular products in its field.

That is why I switched three years ago to ZA. It
has never given me a moment of trouble, although the
CA AV it uses by default is not RFC 2595 compliant
which was causing my network problems. One I corrected
it though, everything was back to normal.

BTW, 'time consuming for your techies'? Ah gee, like
what are they paid for? To stand around and kiss each
others butt. I am sick of over paid techies who have
no working knowledge of what they are doing. If they
find their job to stressful, quit!

You clearly are way out of your depth and have no understanding of what
techies do. They should be spending time helping customers use our services,
NOT doing free tech support for Microsoft. And that is basically what they
spend a lot of time doing.

Please do me one favor, do not CC me. I am continually
getting two copies of these. I subscribe to the list.
I don't send you duplicate copies and therefore would
appreciate the same cutesy. Perhaps my address was
already inserted by a previous poster. If so, please
do remove it.


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