On Sep 7, 2006, at 11:16 AM, Tom Ierna wrote:
On Sep 7, 2006, at 1:44 PM, Chuck Swiger wrote:
Trying to run a database server or mail server without a disk strikes me as a very bad idea.

This is unfortunate - the "client" machines I have chosen have no front-panel disk sleds. Hardware administration will be a bear if they each have to have their own disks. Software-wise, I was hoping to have them all share a common Kernel and userland too, so I only have to update software in one place.

I can see your reasoning, however, it's not especially difficult to keep many FreeBSD systems updated against a single machine configured to build out new versions of the kernel, userland, and installed ports when needed. [1]

The thing is, software like mail servers and the database are usually I/O bound, not CPU-bound; when you get under enough load to matter, usually what you need to do is add more disk spindles and spread DB tables or logfiles or mailspool/queuedir locations amongst the extra disks.

I am surprised that rpc.lockd is holding up well enough to only go down about once a month; simply running the locking tests which come with sendmail used to be enough to cause rpc.lockd to crash...

I will be using qmail, when I get to that stage. qmail is supposed to be rather safe, even over NFS.

Yes, agreed-- qmail + maildir rather than mbox format is probably your best bet for doing operations over NFS.

Best of luck,

Thanks, it sounds like you think I need it :)

Well, yes. But I wouldn't be unhappy if you found something that works for your needs, even if it isn't what I would recommend myself. At least some of the time, I even learn things from people who configure things "strangely" from my perspective...

I'm open to suggestions on a better method of accomplishing my goals.

[1]: Mount /usr/src & /usr/obj from the buildserver on each machine, do the update process, and then rsync over or mount /usr/ports/ packages, and use portupgrade or whatever to update or install from the precompiled packages.


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