On 2006-09-14 19:11, Michael Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm being driven slowly mad by cvs...
> I have 3 boxes, one is acting as a cvs server.  The "cvs clients" (for
> lack of a better term) are running 6.1 and should be configured the
> same.  Yet, one machine lets me do a cvs login, the other requires I
> use cvs -d :psserver:.. with each cvs command.
> I do not have CVSROOT set on either machine.
> What I get is this:
> [#822] cvs login
> Logging in to :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/home/foo/bar
> cvs login: authorization failed: server myserver rejected access to
> /home/foo/bar for user mgrant
> yet, on the other machine, I get a password prompt and all is fine.

Someone sets CVSROOT, if you can just type "cvs login" and get a prompt
for ``Logging in to :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/home/foo/bar''.

Can you run, on both systems, the following?

    $ env | sort | grep CVS

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