> >> The standard kernel doesn't have ext2fs support now; I doubt the 6.1
> >> release was different.  Try loading it as a module; "kldload ext2fs".
> >
> > It seems not to be that easy :(
> >
> >   # kldload ext2fs
> >   kldload: can't load ext2fs: No such file or directory
> >
> > Where is ext2fs.ko supposed to have come from?  A search for ext2fs
> > in the Handbook found nothing applicable, and I have already built
> > and installed /usr/ports/sysutils/e2fsprogs.
> I checked the 6.1 install disks, and saw ext2fs.ko in boot/kernel,
> just like I'd expect.  I've rebuilt with newer sources several
> times since then, but I'm surprised if it isn't there on your disk.

According to find, the only *.ko anywhere in the system was
gtkrc.ko, in /usr/ports/x11-toolkits/linux-gtk/work/etc/gtk
and /usr/X11R6/share/themes/Default/gtk.

I suspect this may be additional fallout from my earlier problem,
wherein sysinstall had failed to install the kernel:


Evidently it also failed to install the ext2fs module.
One way to fix it:

  # cd /usr/src/sys/modules/ext2fs
  # make
  # cp ext2fs.ko /boot/modules
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