On Sunday 17 September 2006 12:44, White Hat wrote:
> --- Jonathan Horne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [...]
> > sounds interesting enough.  if you will supply the
> > portmanager command syntax,
> > ill supply the test computer, and post the results.
> I guess I would want to run portmanager in a force
> update mode.
>       portmanager -u -f -l -y
> should do it. It will create a log in
> /var/log/portmanager.log so at least we can see what
> transpires. The '-y' flag may not be necessary, but
> should not hurt. It will force it to answer yes to any
> questions. The only problem that I could forsee is the
> building of Java. Those files would have to be
> download prior to the build and installed in the
> /usr/ports/distfiles directory. I think portmanager by
> default does not do Java. That means that the
> pm-020.conf file will have to be modified. Not a big
> deal though.

ok, test run #1 is under way.  i built a system using the same base install 
that i did for my workstation (minimal).  as prescribed, i then copied over 
the entire /var/db/pkg/ directory from my worktation to the new system, and 
issued the command 'portmanager -u -f -l -y'.  so far, the test system is 
behaving as the experiment expected, and it is currently downloading sources 
and it looks to be building packages.

ill update again later (probably need about a day, this test system is but an 
athlon 2000+ with an ages old hard drive).

**update before i click send**
the -y flag does not appear to be honored here, as gettext just stop to ask me 
what i would like built.

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