[Format recovered--see http://www.lemis.com/email/email-format.html]

On Thursday,  9 January 2003 at 10:22:48 -0500, Phillip Smith wrote:
>> From: Greg 'groggy' Lehey 
>> [Format recovered--see http://www.lemis.com/email/email-format.html]
>>> X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook, Build 10.0.3416
>> Incorrect wrapping in quoted text.
> Argh! I thought I had fixed that... I've set the wrap to 132, what else
> can I do?

Not much.  But it doesn't look like it.

> Perhaps I'll try one of these third-party programs? Or switch to ???
> at the office for email?


>> On Monday,  6 January 2003 at  8:45:25 -0500, Phillip Smith wrote:

>>> I'm starting to think that the archives got corrupted somehow?
>> What does tar t tell you on the FreeBSD side?
> tar: Hmm, this doesn't look like a tar archive.
> tar: Skipping to next file header...
> tar: only read 521 bytes from archive etc.rein.tar

That's obviously a corrupted archive, or no archive at all.  Is that
before sending it to the Microsoft box?

> Also, I tried re-creating the problem. Exact same scenario. Created
> a new TAR archive, ftp'd from FreeBSD to Window (not specifying a
> setting), then used 'get' to bring them back to FreeBSD and the
> archives are fine. So, I'm thinking that the original archives are
> corrupt...

Well, test them then.

>>> The archive starts to unpack (I see a few directories and files)
>>> then hits a snag and spews garbage or quits.
>>> Here's a question then... suppose I want to re-mount a drive that
>>> had the data on it, but the drive was one of two drives mirrored
>>> with vinum.  I've subsequently changed my drive set-up and now
>>> this drive is just sitting there as a 'hot spare', I haven't
>>> newfs'd it or anything... so I presume the data is still on it. If
>>> I were to re-connect the drive, and re-load vinum, could I access
>>> the data? How easy/difficult would this be?
>> That depends a lot on the Vinum configuration and whether
>> you're running any other Vinum volumes.  It could work.  But
>> first I'd like to establish whether your archive is really
>> corrupt.  There's a possibility that the tar you're using on
>> the Microsoft side simply doesn't understand the archive.
> I'm using TAR on the FreeBSD side, not the Microsoft side. Don't
> have an archiver installed on the Windows box.

I'm gradually getting confused.  What is the data doing on the
Microsoft box at all?

> I don't have any Vinum volumes set up at the moment, no. But, I was
> thinking I could plug in the 'hot spare' drive and start vinum and
> see what config it pulls from the drive; then alter the config so
> that there's only one subdisk (the hot spare) for the 'mirror' and
> mount that and move the data off? What do you think?

If you haven't set up Vinum, it's a bit late now.  You have to write
the config, it doesn't do it automatically.

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