I am working on using FreeBSD while I rebuild my system after recently
buying an amd64 CPU. I hope that I can eventually swap out my (i386)
Debian installation with FreeBSD.

My /home is mounted from a Debian NFS server. (This is the network at
home so security is not paramount).

User and Group IDs are managed with libpam_ldap and libnss_ldap by an
LDAP server (incidentally the same Debian machine).[1]

This is all fine and dandy (except that /bin/bash didn't exist but a
symlink sorted that out) until I start X.

As root, it is fine. startx runs and gives me an (arguably beautiful)
twm desktop. However running it as a user is not so much fun. Only the
first line is printed and then the entire /home filesystem hangs.

I don't remember now precisely what the message is but I believe it
comes before the X binary is called. It is not an error message. Until
this is resolved I am stuck in my old Debian desktop but I could reboot
and find out easily enough what the line is. I don't believe the kernel
says anything relevant.

I am running 6.1-RELEASE with few extra packages installed (mainly like
bash, nfs, X).


[1] Out of curiosity, my existing Debian machines have a getent utility
to examine the various databases controlled by nsswitch.conf. (Where) Is
there an equivalent in FreeBSD?

I must take issue with the term "a mere child," for it has been my
invariable experience that the company of a mere child is infinitely
preferable to that of a mere adult.
                                           --  Fran Lebowitz

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