* On 20/09/06 17:16 +0200, Erik Norgaard wrote:
| Odhiambo Washington wrote:
| >I need to control bandwidth on the external interface only, not on the
| >LAN (internal interfaces).
| >
| >Is this rightful thinking or sheer imagination which is not practical?
| If you're happy with IPFilter and need to ensure minimum bandwidth for 
| some network segment, take a look at packet filter, you can take much of 
| your knowledge with you and then set up queues that will ensure the 
| minimum bandwidth. And you don't need extra interfaces.

That is the way to go ultimately, but I am still a newbie with PF.
I would not want to transfer my newbie-ness into a customers network ;)
I am happy with IPFilter, yes, but I am gradually shifting to PF, but
I have to "graduate" before I can put that out there.
At the moment, I just want to solve an immediate problem which has
presented itself.



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