* On 20/09/06 16:47 -0700, Mike Peirson wrote:
| Hi all,
| First off, I'm new to FreeBSD and this mailinglist so I hope I am in the 
| right place. Anyways, right now I am having some problems with FreeBSD 
| booting up. I have tried to install 3 times now and keep getting the 
| same error. When I try to boot into FreeBSD, this eventually comes up:
|         Manual root filesystem specification:
|                   <fstype>:<device> Mount <device> using filesystem 
| <fstype>
|                                        eg. ufs:da0s1a
|                   ?                 List valid disk boot devices
|                   <empty line>      abort manual input
|                 Mountroot>
| This seems to be a prompt where I need to specify the location of the 
| root partition, but the problem here is that it hangs or freezes and I 
| cannot input any text. At first I thought it may be a result of FreeBSD 
| not properly recognizing my HDD's geometry but I manually fixed that and 
| it still is giving me this same issue. If anyone has had a similar 
| problem or knows how to fix this I would greatly appreciate any help. I 
| looked through the Handbook and googled this but I haven't found a 
| solution yet.

Any further details about your hardware specs in general?



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