On Tue, 26 Sep 2006, Erik Norgaard wrote:

Desmond Coughlan wrote:
The thread on calendars has got me thinking.... The 'non-profit' organisation I mentioned, is a school. Here in France (and no doubt in dozens of other countries), many universities have constructed 'virtual campuses'. By that, I mean that the student logs in, he has not only his grades, but his timetable (classes, seminars etc), and he can send and receive e-mail to and from his tutors. Can this be done under FreeBSD (that was the 'silly' part of the question) ? Any pointers to where I can start learning about that stuff?
As Eric wrote there are dozens of things you have to think about.
But since you only ask for a pointer:
If you search Google (and our ports directory) for "Content Management Systems (CMS)" and try to install one you will get some impression what can be done. I think ports/www/mambo (PHP based)
or ports/www/plone (Python based)
can be set up quite easily.



Setting up the MX is the most urgent,
but afterwards, we can start to have fun with SQL, forums, campuses etc?

Honestly, I think you will have a hard time getting any useful answers: Your question is vague and broad and posting under a completely different topic is not helping.

Before asking the "how" question, you gotta understand the problem you want to solve - that is first, figure out what is the problem:

- how many users?
- how will you manage users?
- who will manage users?
- how will users access services?
- from where will users access services? - routing? - firewall?
- does the infrastructure exist to provide access to services?
 - network? wireless? dns? etc.
- how often will users access services?
- how much data will be handled by the servers?
- what hardware is required to support the expected traffic?
and on and on.

Once you have a clear idea of that you can start asking more concrete questions:

- which MTA?
- how do I setup that MTA?
- what MDA? can the MTA work as MDA?
- how do I setup that MDA?

So, I recommend you rethink your problem and make it clear what you want to achieve in your next post - under a suitable subject...

Cheers, Erik
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