--On October 3, 2006 12:53:17 PM +0800 Foo JH <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I've been using FreeBSD + Apache 2.0 + mod_perl 2 for the longest time.
It's been pretty stable to date. What exactly are the problems you

I was never able to get cgi working, as I described in the email you responded to (copied below.)

Paul Schmehl wrote:
Last night I spend several hours trying to get a website working with
apache22 and then apache20 and mod_perl2.  I never succeeded.

This website works fine with apache1.3.* and mod_perl.  We run the UBB
bulletin board, which is written in perl.  All the executable files
are named *.cgi.

I googled and read document after document, waded through the apache
mod_perl site until my eyes were crossed, all to no avail.  In
apache20, after configuring httpd.conf in what I thought was the right
way, I got a Forbidden error.  Obviously, I checked perms (even made
the 777 briefly), but no go.  In apache22, all I ever got was the
plain text of the program file.

Does anyone know of a website that can unlock the mystery of mod_perl2
on apache2?  I figure sooner or later I'm going to have to move to
apache2, but I sure can't do that until I figure out how to get it

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Adjunct Information Security Officer
The University of Texas at Dallas

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