[resending - my email bounced due to my old IP (ADSL) was listed in
spam dbl; running your own mail server is becoming less fun everyday
:( sorry for the confusion]

On 05/10/2006 20:54, Don O'Neil wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karol Kwiatkowski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Thursday, October 05, 2006 11:05 AM
> To: Don O'Neil
> Cc: freebsd-questions@freebsd.org
> Subject: Re: W3Mail/Perl Mail Module
> On 05/10/2006 19:29, Don O'Neil wrote:
>>> Hi all... 
>>> I know this isn't necessarily the right group to be asking, but I 
>>> thought I'd start here....
>>> I have been using CascadeSoft's W3Mail webmail program, and up until 
>>> last night everything worked great.... We had a crash on the server, 
>>> and something obviously got corrupted....
>>> Now when I try to send a message through W3Mail I get the following error:
>>> Error: Message was not successfully sent.
>>> The SMTP server responded: Can't call method "mail" on an undefined 
>>> value at 
>>> /var/shc/servers/lizardhill.com/root/webmail/cgi/sendmessage.cgi line 179,
>>> line 4.
>>> Line 179 is-
>>> $smtp->mail($replyto);
>>> I tried replacing the Net::SMTP module from Perl, thinking that maybe 
>>> it was corrupted, but still it gives the same error.
>>> Any ideas where I should look/check next?
>> Hi Don,
>> you're probably in a hurry, but please don't send more messages, we got all
>> three of them :)
>> If you're unsure if a message got through you can check the archives here:
>>      http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-questions/
>> As for your problem with W3Mail - I don't know anything about that. If you
>> won't get any replies here try to contact W3Mail users/developers.
>> Regards,
>> Karol
> Karol,
>   Thanks for your reply. I was trying to send the message to different
> groups and accidentally sent it 2x to the freebsd list... I didn't realize
> it went there 3x.
> My problem is that CascadeSoft seems to be out of business, and I can't find
> a support group for them anywhere. Any suggestions on where to look or post
> a question would be appreciated.
> Don 

Sorry, I can't help you. Maybe someone else can - cc'ing @questions.

Best luck,


Karol Kwiatkowski  <freebsd at orchid dot homeunix dot org>
OpenPGP: http://www.orchid.homeunix.org/carlos/gpg/0x06E09309.asc

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