
Does anyone have good experience using external USB 2.0 HDD for backup with FreeBSD 6?

My current server is FreeBSD 4.11 and I've been using Amanda with external HDDs that connect over FireWire for past ~3 years. This setup has been rock solid. Back when I was building it, I chose FireWire, because FreeBSD 4 only supports USB 1.1 hence the performance was not suitable for backing up large amounts of data (dozens of GB every night).

Now that I'm planning to build a new server with FreeBSD 6 I was hoping that maybe I can use USB2.0 instead of FireWire. However, the first quick test on my home box was not very encouraging. My PC basically hung while tarring up /usr partition to the external USB HDD and I had to kill the power. Afterwards, the UFS2 partition on external HDD needed manual fsck. 'man ehci' says that the driver is not finished and is quite buggy. Maybe this is true and I should stick with FireWire. Or maybe it's just because I'm using el-cheapo USB hardware for testing?


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