--On Wednesday, October 25, 2006 12:08:26 +0400 Рихад Гаджиев <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A comment in /etc/hosts.allow states that:
Wrapping sshd(8) is not normally a good idea

Why? Is it because such restrictions should naturally be made using a
firewall/PAM/sshd itself/whatever? I think GENERIC sshd wouldn't have
been built with libwrap support in the first place. Or?

Because maintaining the access list can be quite ponderous if you have a lot of users.

I maintain a hobby website that only has two shell accounts. I use hosts.allow for ssh because it gets rid of the brute-force crap. But even for two users, the list of hosts/networks that are allowed is 10 or 15. Imagine what it would be if you have a hundred users...or a thousand.

Paul Schmehl ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Senior Information Security Analyst
The University of Texas at Dallas

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