Thanks!  Can anyone help me regarding mod_rewrite?  Can't find it in the ports.

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 10:12:28 AM
Subject: Re: WordPress, Apache, modules, mod_rewrite - how to verify?

Nick wrote:
> I've been looking on the web for hours but haven't found any help, though of 
> asking on some forums when I suddenly remembered!  There's 
> freebsd-questions!!  
> Anyway, I'm a MS SQL Server guy, trying to mess around with FreeBSD at home.  
> I've managed to install 6.1, CVSup, xorg, KDE, Apache 1.3.  I haven't touched 
> this box for a while due to my work schedule, now I'm trying to pick up where 
> I left off... I just install ed WordPress from ports, trying to use it to 
> learn PHP and MySQL.  (At work, I'm almost 100% SQL Server only!  I'm hoping 
> to change to a Linux / Oracle, Data Warehouse type of position.... but 
> outside of work, I would like to learn some PHP, Perl and MySQL... may be 
> start a little side web biz or something...)
> So, main question:
> WordPress requires PHP 4 and MySQL 3 or later, and optional mod_rewrite.  How 
> do I verify if these are installed?
> I used "pkg_version -v" to check my installed ports' versions, I have these:
> apache-1.3.37_1
> mod_perl-1.29_1
> mysql-client-5.1.11
> perl-5.8.8
> php5-5.1.4
> php5-mysql-5.1.4
> php5-pcre-5.1.4
> php5-xml-5.1.4
> wordpress-2.0.4_1,1
> I think I still need to install mod_php and mod_rewrite, but I can't see them 
> in /usr/ports/www
> How do I verify that php, MySql and mod_rewrite are install and function 
> properly in Apache?
> Thanks!
> Nick

make a file called pinfo.php in your web servers data directory root 
(/usr/local/www/data by default)

put this in it:




save it and go to:

and read away

that will dump all php related info.

make sure you install the suhosin patches against PHP and/or use the 

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