Hi people,
   as recently i have problem with firefox, i thought i will try to upgrade
my port by my way...
  as i first run "portmanager -s > log" to see what ports are outdated, and
if that port seem critical, I will do
 "portupgrade -R/-r " to fix it. it's probably not the best, but I decided
to give it a try. however, when reading portmanager output, something looks

00106 ----:libcdio-0.77_1                      /sysutils/libcdio
I do have libcdio, as i checked under /var/db/pkg/, so what does this mean??

more here
00032 have:glib-2.12.4                         /devel/glib20
built with OLD dependency: icu-3.6
far as i know, icu3.6 is the latest, right??

thank you !!

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