Lonnie Cumberland wrote:
Greetings All,

Being a long time Linux user and now looking into moving over to FreeBSD, I decided to so some research on the web to try and get a better idea as to the strengths and weaknesses as compared to other operating systems like Linux (Fedora, Gentoo, etc..), OpenBSD, NetBSD, and Opensolaris.

From what I have found, FreeBSD seems to be at the very top in almost every way.

In my Internet travels, I came across a site that has this MAC OS X ( which I guess is called Darwin?) at:


and have noticed that they seem to have built the MAC OS X from a core of FreeBSD 5.x.
Do I read this correctly?
Also, what are the differences between MAC OS X and Darwin?
I'm pretty sure that Darwin does not include the MAC gui. I believe that the guis used on Darwin are basically the same as found on *BSD and Linux - KDE, Gnome, ...

The reason that I ask all of this stuff is because if we were going to take a distro to start building from as a base for a project that we are working on then would it make more sense to take the latest FreeBSD 6.1 or the MAC OS X (Darwin) as the base since there has been a great amount of work on both distros and they are also both BSD based?

I guess that I am still a little confused on some of these things and hope that some one can help to answer some of my newbie questions.

Thanks and have a good day,
Lonnie T. Cumberland
OutStep Technologies Incorporated
Tel: 866-425-7010


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