On Sat, 18 Nov 2006 10:08:03 -0600
Paul Schmehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> --On November 18, 2006 11:57:34 AM +0200 ovidiu ene <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> wrote:
> > Hello guys,
> >
> > I want to know if Dell PowerEdge 1950 works fine on FreeBSD 6.1 i386.
> > (I am interested if network cards are detected and work properly, also
> > if SATA/SAS drive is detected properly.
> >
> There are two problems that you must overcome and they require that you 
> rebuild world and kernel.  The network card driver has a problem, and the 
> usb driver has a problem.  The former causes the network card to become 
> unusable and only a reboot will fix it.  The latter prevents you from 
> using the DRAC card (if you ordered one with the 1950.)
> Both problems can be overcome with newer source code files, but you then 
> have to rebuild world and kernel.  And you must save those source code 
> files, because you'll need them every time you have to update world or 
> kernel due to security patches.

Another option is to wait a month or two for 6.2, which already incorporates
these fixes.  You can try out the 6.2-RC sets, and it will be trivial to
upgrade form RC to RELEASE.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies
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