The onboard modem, despite not looking like an lt winmodem when looking
at the chip itself, does infact work with the ltmdn port.  Just need to
add it's pci vendor/id combo to the src before compiling.

0x11c1 0x0441

Still have one pci device coming up that I haven't id'd yet, nor have I
gotten apm (using 4.7) to work.  If anyone's got experience enabling apm
with a VIA MVP4 based system let me know.  Enabling it in the kernel
(and removing the disable flag) does not result in any form of apm being
detected, yet I know this machine is capible of it.  (It uses strictly
soft power control, it's a pain having to shut it off by yanking the
power cord.)

The iPaq has also survived approx 24 hours of constant compiling from
ports and kernels swapping to a vn file backed swap drive powered by a
umass device with out a hiccup.  If someone can walk me through what
needs to be done I'd like to help diag why you can't swap directly to
the umass drive.

Joshua Coombs

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