VeeJay wrote:

If I will install Apache2 from the Port, how can I configure to add module
or disable modules?
Like if I want to enable following modules, how can I do them VIA Ports?
Please find below the text from this Step-by-Step guide I am using. But that procedure is for manually downloading the archive, checking signatures and
then configuring....

But how can I use Port system to get the same results?

make install

chown -R root:sys /usr/local/apache2


If we can configure in Port, so where it could be done and how? and if its
in a file, where it would be placed?

go to the apache2 dir in your portstree ( generally /usr/ports/www/apache2/ ) run 'make config' to set options, if the specific options aren't there: copy the Makefile to Makefile.orig and add the '--enable-OPTION' and '--disable-OPTION' with the other compile options.

Not sure though: but aren't a lot of those options also settable in the apache config file ? it might be a better idea to check that out first, so if you ever change your mind about a setting you don't have to recompile your intire apache2 port.

-Frank Staals

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