On Sat, 25 Nov 2006, Erik Norgaard wrote:


I have the following sysctl parameters:

hw.acpi.supported_sleep_state: S3 S4 S5
hw.acpi.power_button_state: S5
hw.acpi.sleep_button_state: S3
hw.acpi.lid_switch_state: NONE
hw.acpi.standby_state: S1
hw.acpi.suspend_state: S3
hw.acpi.sleep_delay: 1

First, I'd like that the screen is switched off when the lid closes, so I assume that I should set hw.acpi.lid_switch_state to something, but I don't know what.

Second: Is there a way to manually toggle the sleep state so I can create a menu item "sleep" or "standby"?

Last: When the laptop goes into some suspend mode - I don't know which - I don't know how to bring it back alive except for rebooting. What is the secret key combination? (typically).

Thanks, Erik

These are my settings. This is for a thinkpad T42p, your settings may be slightly different.


   hw.acpi.supported_sleep_state: S3 S4 S5
   hw.acpi.power_button_state: S5
   hw.acpi.sleep_button_state: S3
   hw.acpi.lid_switch_state: NONE
   hw.acpi.standby_state: S1
   hw.acpi.suspend_state: S3
   hw.acpi.sleep_delay: 3


   acpi_ibm_load="YES"   <---- for thinkpad

If I close the lid the T42p goes to standby, opening wakes up. The sleep button fn-F4 does a suspend, again opening the lid does a resume. I have not figured out suspend to disk but for my purposes suspend draws power so slowly, I have not bothered.

It may be that you do need something set for hw.acpi.lid_switch_state, I do not. Resume does not correctly redraw the X-windows background, but it writing this I noticed I put:

    notify 10 {
          match "system"          "ACPI";
          match "subsystem"       "Lid";
          action "/usr/X11R6/bin/xrandr -display :0.0 -s 0";

inside of the comments in /etc/devd.conf.

I got most of my information from:

   various Linux sites talking about thinkpads

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