
My NIC (Linksys LNE100 TX) has worked fine within a Cable modem LAN (with a
Linksys router), but since I've moved in to my college dorm, I can't find the
MAC address.  With ifconfig, I get something like (I can't reproduce it; typing
this from a public computer):

% ifconfig
  . . .
    ether: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
  . . .

Apparently, the school requires students to register their ethernet (MAC)
addresses before their DHCP server leases an IP address.  Is there any way for
me to get the ethernet address through FreeBSD?

BTW: the machine is FreeBSD-4.7 RELEASE

Also, could the MAC address by on the card somewhere (if anybody has a similar
card)?  All I see is some string of numbers like a scan code.



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