On 11/27/06, Dan Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In the last episode (Nov 27), Peter Schuller said:
> Observe:
> hyperion# ls -la
> total 61634
> drwxr-xr-x  2 xxx yyy  63047168 Nov 18 21:33 .
> drwxr-xr-x  6 xxx yyy         512 Oct  8 16:39 ..
> hyperion# find .
> .
> hyperion#
> The one special circumstance is that the directory previously
> contained 1.7 million small files, that are now deleted. This is on
> FreeBSD 6.1 with UFS2 + softupdates. No snapshots exist of the
> filesystem.
> 1.7 million files may be extreme, but I don't see why an empty
> directory would ever consume more than one inode?

Directories are only shrunk when a file is created and the slack
directory space can be trivially truncated.  This is to avoid useless
compaction during "rm -rf"-style activities of a directory that will
just be deleted anyway.

Shouldn't it be done after a timeout? I can imagine scenarios
when millions of small files are created and deleted in different
dirs. Should it result in no disk space (and a clueless user)?
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