I have been running Apache (apache+mod_ssl-1.3.34+2.8.25_1) for some
time with php5 and extensions to support PostgreSQL 8.0.9.  After 
upgrading to PostgreSQL 8.1.15 I find that Apache crashes if the
php5 PostgreSQL extension is installed.  I have updated Apache to
apache+mod_ssl-1.3.37+2.8.28 with no improvement.  I have 
pkg_deleted and re-installed the php5 port with no improvement.

Starting Apache via the package's rc.d script results in a short-
lived httpd process that doesn't live long enough to log anything 
before it exits.  I have to run it as "httpd -DSSL -X" to see
any debugging info at all, which is simply "Segmentation fault: 11 
(core dumped)" and an httpd.core file.

I am compiling php5-extensions with only pgsql support.  With this
php5-extensions meta-port installed, Apache will not start with PHP
support.  If I either comment out Apache's PHP support, or de-install
the php5-pgsql-5.2.0 package, Apache will start.  That suggests to
me that I have narrowed down my list of suspects.

How can I get the latest Apache 1.3.X and PHP5 to support the latest 

Thank you for your time.


ns : 21:05:31 /usr/ports/lang/php5-extensions# make showconfig | grep -vw off
===> The following configuration options are available for php5-extensions-1.0:
     PGSQL=on "PostgreSQL database support"
===> Use 'make config' to modify these settings

If I install php5-pgsql-5.2.0 and run "/usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache start"
I get no error message on the console, and a single httpd process lives
briefly then exits.   Manually running httpd -DSSL -X shows a segmentation
fault 11.  Below, findps is a shell shortcut that is basically 
ps -axl | grep "$@" which is a quick and dirty way to see whether a process
is running.

ns : 21:26:27 /usr/local/etc/apache# findps http
ns : 21:26:30 /usr/local/etc/apache# pkg_info | grep php
php5-5.2.0          PHP Scripting Language (Apache Module and CLI)
php5-extensions-1.0 A "meta-port" to install PHP extensions
php5-pgsql-5.2.0    The pgsql shared extension for php
ns : 21:26:36 /usr/local/etc/apache# pkg_info | grep ^apache
apache+mod_ssl-1.3.37+2.8.28 The Apache 1.3 webserver with SSL/TLS functionality
ns : 21:26:44 /usr/local/etc/apache# httpd -DSSL -X
Processing config directory: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/*.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example1.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example2.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example3.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example4.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example5.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example6.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example7.conf
(... etc.)
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/org.exampleN.conf
Segmentation fault: 11 (core dumped)
ns : 21:26:59 /usr/local/etc/apache# ls -l *core
-rw-------  1 root  wheel  27332608 Nov 27 21:26 httpd.core
ns : 21:27:08 /usr/local/etc/apache#

If I de-install the PHP support for Postgres, apache will start:

ns : 21:30:07 /usr/local/etc/apache# pkg_delete php5-pgsql-5.2.0
pkg_delete: package 'php5-pgsql-5.2.0' is required by these other packages
and may not be deinstalled:
ns : 21:30:12 /usr/local/etc/apache# pkg_delete php5-extensions-1.0
ns : 21:30:26 /usr/local/etc/apache# pkg_delete php5-pgsql-5.2.0
ns : 21:30:28 /usr/local/etc/apache# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/apache.sh start
Starting apache.
Processing config directory: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/*.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example1.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example2.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example3.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example4.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example5.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example6.conf
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/com.example7.conf
(... etc.)
 Processing config file: /usr/local/etc/apache/virtual-hosts/org.exampleN.conf
ns : 21:30:58 /usr/local/etc/apache# findps http
root      56898 41.4  3.1 37024 32404  ??  Ss    9:30PM   0:02.72 
/usr/local/sbin/httpd -DSSL
www       57036  0.0  3.1 37024 32420  ??  S     9:31PM   0:00.01 
/usr/local/sbin/httpd -DSSL
www       57037  0.0  3.1 37024 32420  ??  S     9:31PM   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/httpd -DSSL
www       57038  0.0  3.1 37024 32420  ??  S     9:31PM   0:00.01 
/usr/local/sbin/httpd -DSSL
www       57039  0.0  3.1 37024 32420  ??  S     9:31PM   0:00.01 
/usr/local/sbin/httpd -DSSL
www       57040  0.0  3.1 37024 32420  ??  S     9:31PM   0:00.00 
/usr/local/sbin/httpd -DSSL
ns : 21:31:03 /usr/local/etc/apache#

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