Additionally, find <filename>can tell you if a symbolic link is broken:

% ln -s ./linksource ./linkdest
% file linkdest
linkdest: broken symbolic link to `./linksource'

(In this case "linksource simply doesn't exist...)

Uh-oh too much data - not processing-

Maybe if I explain what I was doing-

My /var is only 248 mb , /usr  is 4 gigs

I wanted to have the /var/spool/exim/ subdirecotries (scan , input db,
msglog) run in the /usr slice (as it has ample space)

So I MOVED exim to  /usr/var2 and ran

ln -s /var/spool/exim /usr/var2/exim 

but I don't think that's right 

as my var/spool/exim dorectory started filling up today

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