Andrew Falanga wrote:
>> You're on the right track.  Yes, you'ld need a zone file for the root of
>> your DNS -- if it's all served from one machine then that would replace
>> the
>> 'hint' zone and named.root stuff in the example named.conf
>> The zone file for '.' would contain an SOA record and then delegation for
>> whatever forward and reverse domains you want to use.  Eg. supposing you
>> want to use the TLD 'in.isolation' with IP numbers from
>> then you'ld need something like:
>>     ;
>>     ; Root of the private domain name system
>>     ;
>>     $TTL 604800    ; 1 week
>>     @             IN      SOA
>> (
>>                               2006120100 ;  Serial
>>                               1800       ;  Refresh (30min)
>>                               900        ;  Retry (15min)
>>                               604800     ;  Expire (1week)
>>                               86400 )    ;  Minimum (1day)
>>     in.isolation.            IN  NS
>>  IN  NS
>>        IN  A   ; Glue
>>     ;
>>     ; That's All Folks!
>>     ;
> Ok, here's the problems I've got so far.  I've made the following files,
>, isolated.rev, localhost.rev, localhost-v6.rev and
> The isolated.* files are for the forward addresses and the reverse pointers
> for that I've set up.  The file contains, what I
> thought should be, for the "." zone.  (Matthew, from your message above, I
> wasn't clear if all I'd need is what you have above, or that it was implied
> that I'd need a SOA for the "." zone as well.  So, I made one.)

The above *is* for the root zone.   

> Now, I'm getting a few errors.  Sometimes it seems that named can't find
> the
> files that I told it to look for in named.conf.  I used the original
> named.conf file as a reference, and just filled in the "blanks" as it were,
> for my zones.
> Also, named keeps complaining about rndc.key files missing.  How do I
> generate these key files?  I didn't find anything from 'man rndc'?

Use rndc-confgen and follow the instructions written in the file
it outputs about editing named.conf.  You won't need a separate
rndc.key file.


Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                       7 Priory Courtyard
                                                      Flat 3
PGP:         Ramsgate
                                                      Kent, CT11 9PW

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