张韡武 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello. My office use this method to access wikipedia behind the great
> firewall of China:
> 1) we have a server in europ, let's call it server;
> 2) I run this command on my desktop:
> $ ssh -L 80:en.wikipedia.org:80 server;
> 3) everybody in the office edit /etc/hosts, add this line:
> [my_ip_addr] en.wikipedia.org
> So my computer become a 'proxy'.
> The trouble is I have to keep the ssh running there. The 'proxy' will
> not automatically set up next time I reboot my computer.

I think it would be a lot easier if you'd just install Tor

If you use the security/tor-devel port, you can run it on your company's
gateway and build an intercepting proxy with PF (or natd but I haven't
tried that). This way you wouldn't have to touch the client systems at

Currently the "great firewall of Wikipedia" prevents Tor users
from contributing, but if you're only interested in reading,
this shouldn't be a problem.

Note that Tor doesn't hide the fact that you are using it.
My understanding is that Tor usage is currently still
legal in China (or at least not prosecuted) and quite popular
there, but of course you should confirm that before you start using
it on an IP address that can be traced back to you.


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