I want to be able to play DVDs on my FreeBSD 4.7 i386
workstation, but I don't even see it as a recognized
device. I have it setup on the second IDE channel - my
CD-RW is master, and my DVD-ROM is slave. The BIOS
recognizes the DVD drive, but FreeBSD doesn't.

Here is what /var/run/dmesg says -

ata1-slave: ATA identify retries exceeded
ad0: 76319MB <ST380021A> [155061/16/63] at ata0-master
acd0: CD-RW <CD-W540E> at ata1-master PIO4
Mounting root from ufs:/dev/ad0s1a

After it sees my CD-RW (acd0) it should then recognize
my DVD drive. I don't know why it doesn't show, as the
BIOS sees it, and that DVD-ROM drives are supported in
FreeBSD 4.7.

I did some playing around with drive configs and found
out some interesting things. I first unplugged the
CD-RW and set the DVD-ROM as master, and FreeBSD
recognized it. Then I set my DVD-ROM as master, and
added my CD-RW as slave, and FreeBSD recognized both
drives. Then I decided to config back my drives the
way I wanted them (CD-RW master, DVD-ROM slave), and
test them in another OS. Oddly enough, Linux
recognized both drives, but when I booted into FreeBSD
only the CD-RW was recognized. I also tried a
different cable and I still have the same problem. 

Any ideas? Is there some option I need to compile into
my kernel? If anyone can help me to get my DVD drive
recognized, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

P.S. - CC responses to my e-mail, as I am not a
subscriber to this list.

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